Frequently Asked Questions
Horn Island is located 55km northwest of the Tip of Cape York, Queensland, 5km from Thursday Island in Torres Strait. Torres Strait is a body of pristine water and approx 300 islands that separate the mainland of Australia from Papua New Guinea. 15 islands are inhabited.
There are several ways to get to Horn Island :
Plane: Qantaslink fly return to Cairns twice a day.
Ferry: Driving north through Cape York is a fantastic way to see the area, and once at your campground near the Tip of Cape York, catch the Peddells Ferry from Seisia to Thursday and Horn Islands.
Car: There are many packages available through 4WD, Coach and Tagalong tour agencies that combine different methods of arrival and departure travel to the area.
Give us a call and we can help arrange ferry travel from Seisia to Horn and Thursday Islands. The ferry departs Seisia at 7:45am, Mon-Sat from mid-May to the end of Sept.
Contact Torres Strait Heritage 0427 90 3333 and we can help with all your Torres Strait travel needs.
Yes, however it is a day full of experiences, so there is no time for shopping when the ‘Two in a Day’ package is enjoyed.
After the Thursday Island tour, guests catch the ferry to Horn Island where lunch is enjoyed after visiting the Torres Strait Heritage Museum before we embark on the tour of Horn Island. Guests then catch the ferry straight back to the mainland via Thursday Island.
There are a myriad of activities to enjoy while in the area, especially if you are staying a night or two. Some experiences include fishing, boating, historical tours, helicopter / aircraft sightseeing, 4WD tour of Cape York (Day Trip), and a Culture Pearl Farm visit. Give Torres Strait Heritage a call to discuss the many options.
Yes, though please contact Torres Strait Heritage or the Torres Strait Island Regional Council to make arrangements before travelling to the outer islands. There are some lovely Guesthouses in the Outer Islands, and the flights depart everyday from Horn Island.
- Two General Stores
- Post Office Agent
- Gateway Torres Strait Resort, Wongai Beach Hotel, Dugongs Rest.
- Torres Strait Heritage Museum
- Fuel Depot at Seaswift shipping
- Eftpos Facilities at the Gateway Resort and Wongai Beach Hotel.
- Modern Medical Centre
- Police station
- Ambulance
- State Emergency Service
- Horn Island Primary School
- Horn Island airport
- Freight depot
Thursday Island has all the conveniences of a town, including:
- National Australia Bank with an ATM
- Post Office
- Hospital and Medical Centre
- Grocery Store similar to Coles or Woolworths.
- Newsagency
- Chemist
- Souvenir shops
- Culture Centre
- Police station
- Ambulance
- Several educational instiutions